5 Reasons Why You Want A Spring E-Sess (And Claritin)

E-Session means engagement session, for all of you non-Wedding Wire’ers out there. Aka most guys don’t know what the hell we just said. That’s ok, grooms. We got you.

Here’s the top 5 reasons why even you want a spring engagement session with us:


Nerves. We all have them with getting our picture taken. Even us as photographers sometimes get awkward on the other side of the camera when it’s our own turn. (P.S. Take our word - a shot of tequila before totally helps.) We get it! So let’s get rid of them like Marie Kondo in a hoarder’s house.

Taking engagement photos gives you UBER amounts of practice before the real deal on the no do-over wedding day.

Think you have a funny smile on camera? Let’s laugh it out and it will be YOUR smile. Think you don’t know what to ever do with your hands? We’ll show ya. Think you don’t like the way your double chin looks in photos? We’ll give you the confidence through angles to erase the insecurities.


Maybe the more obvious of reasons, but hey this is Buffalo. And we celebrate hard when vibrant colors start showing back up on the 716-region of Earth again. Just like your neighbor who wears flip flops and shorts on the first 40-degree day.

THIS is the time of year to capture soft, beautiful color. Summer would be greens. Fall would be bold colors. And we all know what Winterfell Winter is like…

So let’s ditch the North Face that you can’t bear to wear another day, and book for the very-near future date you get to wear short sleeves again.


To get the shot above, we placed the couple in a very specific spot in Lewiston…while we ducked behind a water fountain…to only straddle a bed of tulips while trying not to squish them…and then had to change positions 3 times to get it just right.

We were fully expecting our couple to start second guessing who the lunatics were they hired. Until click, and we showed them the back of the camera that glared the above photo. Boom. Instant trust is formed.

Because of an e-sess, you’re not wondering on the wedding day why we’re hiding inside of a bush. Or contemplating your photography decision as you see us dangle a leaf in front of the lens. You’ll trust it’s just your photographers up to their creative antics again, getting you unique shots similar to the ones you loved from your engagement already.


Imagine what it would be like on an already stressful wedding day, and in walk new faces that are going to be with you for the next 12 hours with a camera in your face. You’re totally going to be aiming whispers under your breath to us, Please be cool. Please be cool.

Now imagine what it would be like on your wedding day, giving high fives and hugs to your new pals as we walk in the door. You know we’re easy to talk to and made you laugh at your engagement session, and now we get to take your epic wedding photos while blending right in with your crew.

BIG difference, right? We aim to be BFF’s whether it’s the end of the engagement session, or the end of the wedding day. Clients = Friends to us!


Last, the obvious photos. The impeccable art. The proof of you as an adorable couple on paper. Your emotions frozen from a day that felt like just the two of you existed. The fun prints you can make for your home. The digitals you can use for Save The Dates. The photographs you can use for wedding day ideas.

The photos always have, and always will speak for themselves. So we’ll sign off here.

Now that we’re on the same wavelength, head on over to the Become A Client page to get your flower power on!