Pro Tip: Veils Yays And Nays

PRO TIP: Let’s talk veils.

It’s really a matter of taste on whether to go with one or not. But if you are, here’s my two cents:

Plan your hairstyle for the veil to be removed for cocktail hour & the reception. When my brides have kept them in in the later hours, they always want to rip them out of their head for the ability to MOVE.

But first, cement that shit in. Plan to have your hair stylist pin it in like crazy. Don’t wait for your bridesmaid to figure it out last minute after your dress is on when she THINKS she knows how to do it. The wind will pull it out of your head during portraits in two seconds. Or a family member will inadvertently yank it out with a simple congratulatory hug. Every time.

I’ve never met a long veil I didn’t like. In my wedding photography opinion, the longer the better for that added element of flow. They’re not that hard to carry around from location to location by swooping the end over your arm. I’ve got you!

Anyone need help at the moment selecting a veil? I love to play “Which one should I buy?” with my clients via text!